Friday, January 10, 2014

4 Hints They're Into You

Hint 3--The Mickey Mouse Voice     It used to be said the way to attract a woman was to speak to her in a low,deep voice.. However, according to research by the Albright College in Pennsylvania, it is actually the higher--pitched voice that hints a guy being infatuated with a love interest.   When a guy likes a girl, he does not necessarily try to be macho [as a player might,] but rather attempts to mimic her, and make her feel more comfortable.  This is in much the same as mirroring a woman's physical movements to show interest.  These studies also suggested that women can detect these changes in tone, so try to be subtle and use your intiution...Now go to my website Provides more free services to members  receive services not available on other sites  Get a Chance to Win a Million Dollars  Go to  Thanks  See ya later

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